One of my primary goals as the nurse here at
Some of our students have a severe food allergy. This allergy includes Peanut, Peanut Butter, Peanut Oil, Walnut, Hazelnut, Tree Nut, Coconut, and all products containing NUT. An allergic reaction can occur not only from the ingestion of the peanut or nut, but even from contact from nut or nut products.
This particular food allergy has the potential to become Life Threatening. Our teachers, the children’s parents, and myself have developed an Action Plan to meet the needs of these children and to prevent an emergency situation from occurring.
Please check labels to avoid sending any foods containing nut or nut products for snack or lunch.
There is a product called “Sun Butter” made from sunflower seeds, which is very similar in taste to peanut butter. Information on that product to follow.
Thank you in advance for your continued support and cooperation in this matter.
Corpus Christi School is lucky to have Mrs. Diana Cecchini on staff. Nurse Diana has joined the Corpus Christi School team this September.